Pete leads a group of FOX TV Samurai Divas during a special “Training Day” held May 21, 2009, during filming of a FOX TV's Backstage Pass reality television program to be aired June 10, 2009. During the training, the nine FOX TV Samurai Divas joined the Marines to take part in various military training exercises to include attempting the Marine obstacle course, pugil stick training, rappelling, a uniform inspection, an awards ceremony and other activities. The divas also enjoyed MREs for lunch and chow in the Camp Fuji Dining Facility for dinner. “This was a great morale event for our Marines,” said Major Monte S. Powell, executive officer of Combined Arms Training Center at Camp Fuji. The day’s training activities were co-sponsored by FOX International Channels (Japan), Positive Productions, and Stars and Stripes.
Staying fit has allowed Pete to do things that people half his age would never even consider.